Also, he probably should have tried it in A.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Brown Eyed Girl
Few things make me happier than watching Bruce Springsteen working out songs onstage. Two kinds of performers can do that: those who are new enough or dismissive of their audience enough and those who have achieved a certain level of popularity and mastery of their craft.
Also, he probably should have tried it in A.
Also, he probably should have tried it in A.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
The Sound of Silence
Despite how thoroughly you know, sometimes it can still sneak up on you, just how damn great Bob Dylan is. The gravitas his gravelly baritone adds here, the growling harmonica, the reminder of what a surprisingly fine duet partner he can be...this may be my favorite version of this great tune, in no small part because Dylan's ragged glory is exactly what the pristine fastidiousness of Paul Simon could use a bit more of.
[h/t: the great AllDylan.]
[h/t: the great AllDylan.]